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[2023.05.02] 영어 표현 정리 1. (1) englighten 설명을 해서 이해시키다, 일깨워주다 Could you englighten me? 더 잘 이해 할 수 있도록, 깨우칠 수 있도록 지식을 공유해주고 설명해달라며 (to가 올 필요가 없음) 어두운 곳에 englighten 불 키는 것 처럼 I'm not familar with the concept, Could you englithen me? I found it very englithening Englighten me! 약간 짜증났을 때 (2) rave about ~에 대해 극찬하다 열변을 토하다 We should check out Little Italy. Everyone at the office has been raving about it Everyone is raving ab..
[2023.05.01] 영어 표현 정리 1. - He’s always had a crush on you. 걔는 항상 널 좋아했다. - Have you found a good place we could join? 우리가 함께 할 수 있는 좋은 장소를 찾았나요? - I will catch up with you later. 이따봐 - Seriously who’s in there? 대체 누가 있는거야? - This has to be a very secret Okay? 이거 완전 비밀로 해야해 - Today we’re going to be talking about Korea. 오늘 우리는 한국에 대해서 얘기할거야. - Is it always cold in late August? 8월말에 원래 이렇게 춥나? - I’m not sure since I’m ..
[2023.04.30] 영어 표현 정리 1. Rise and shine: A friendly greeting used to wake someone up in the morning. Let's hit the ground running: A phrase used to encourage someone to start a task with enthusiasm and energy. Time to put the pedal to the metal: A phrase used to encourage someone to work hard and fast. Let's make today count: A motivational phrase used to encourage someone to make the most of their day. Carpe diem: A..
[2023.04.29] 영어 표현 정리 1. A: Have you tried Beijing Duck? B: Yes. Once. A: Is it good? B: I think so. It was actually a really long time ago, so i can barely remember (how it tasted / what it tasted like). Why suddenly? / Why all of a sudden? Are you thinking of trying it? A: It's my father's birthday in a few weeks and apparently he's never tried it, so... A: 베이징 덕 먹어봤어? B: 응. 한 번. A: 맛있어? B: 그랬던 것 같아. 사실 엄청 오래 전의 일이..
[2023.04.27] 영어 표현 정리 1. 밧데리가 떨어졌어 The battery is dead. 교통체증이 심해 I was caught in a traffic jam. 당신 패가 좋다 You have a good hand. 제비뽑기로 하자 Let's draw to see who goes first. 닥치는 대로 읽는다. I read everything I can get on my hands. 가득 채워 주세요. Fill her up with unleaded, please. 근무시간이 어떻게 되죠? What hours will I be working? 유급휴가가 있나요? Is there paid vacation? 나는 오늘 바뻐 I'm all booked up today. 나는 지금 실업자야 I'm out of a job now. 해고당했어..
[2023.04.26] 영어 표현 정리 1. I want to ask you about when is the right age to have stuff or to start doing stuff. 어떤 물건을 갖거나 어떤 일을 시작하기에 적합한 적당한 나이는 언제인지 물어보고 싶어. What do you think is the right age to start having a phone? 어떤 나이부터 핸드폰을 가지는 것이 적절하다고 생각하시나요? I think for security reasons, to keep the child safe, perhaps maybe about 11 or 12 when they start going around places without their parents. 안전상의 이유로 아이를 보호하기 위해, 아이가..
[2023.04.25] 영어 표현 정리 1. speculate 추측 / 짐작하다 Don't speculate 추측하지마 (너무 강한표현) => You don't want to speculate or you might not want to speculate You don't wanna go there 그 얘기는 꺼내고 싶지 않을걸? It doesnt do any good to speculate 추측/짐작해서 좋을 거 없잖아 care to join me? 같이갈래? go for a stroll 산책하다 care to elaborate? 조금 더 설명해줄래? (care to 때문에 헷갈릴 수 있다) care to explain? care to chip in? 돈을 다같이 보태서 무언가를 할 때 Do you follow any sports? Thin..
[2023.04.24] 영어 표현 정리 1. starting a family 아기를 갖는거까지 포함한 결혼 conceiving /pregnant 아기를 갖는거 giving a birth 아기를 낳는거 hands are tied their hands are tied = you're not free to do options are limited…are not free to do… one's hands are tied (behind one's back) 뒤에 괄호 부분은 생략해서 쓰는 표현!! >> 어쩔 방도가 없다 / 속수무책이다 left feeling = 그런상태 놓이게 되는 left feeling like 그런 기분 상태에 놓여있다 heartbreaking 상처를 입은. 속상한 course of action /things need to be ..